Are you feeling bogged down with the grind of daily life and further discouraged by the constant negatives of this political season?
Open the windows of your mind and your heart to the fresh breeze of gratitude.
Specifically, gratitude for the gift of eyesight.
Perhaps it’s because I witnessed the challenges faced by my own dad as he lost his central vision due to macular degeneration, or experienced daily life with blind friends of different ages.
But spend some time with those who are visually impaired, and you will realize anew the incredibly precious gift that is the gift of sight.
Consider that the miraculous eye allows you to:
Look deeply into the eyes of the one you love.
See your baby smile for the first time.
Delight in the beauty of a breathtaking sunrise or sunset.
Play or watch sports that you enjoy.
Enjoy the intricacies and myriad shades of flowers.
Appreciate the wonders of our world.
Make your way through a crowded airport.
Relish the brilliant colors of fruits and vegetables in the produce department.
Study the anatomy of the eye, and you’ll find a magnificent and complex organ.
And yet, as with so many blessings, we often don’t appreciate it until it’s gone or diminished.
So today, as you move throughout your day, notice the wonder of your eyesight. Open your eyes and really see the beauty that is around you.
And whisper a prayer of gratitude.
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