The creator of this story, Jaye Watson, won a national Murrow Award for this touching description of the inspiration behind Leave Nothing Unsaid and the impact it is making
The Inspirational Impact of Leave Nothing Unsaid
Hear a mother’s moving perspective about affirming her children in writing and of how receiving an affirming letter from a friend inspired her to live up to that affirmation.
Leave Nothing Unsaid to your Spouse
This beautiful letter, narrated by the author, was written to his wife at the end of her earthly battle with cancer. This video was played at his wife’s funeral and deeply impacted all in attendance.
Leave Nothing Unsaid to a Loved One Before They're Gone
Hear a devoted wife share how Leave Nothing Unsaid helped her write a letter to her husband, who was in hospice care, and how she read and reread the letter to him during the last month of his life. The letter helped both of them focus more on reasons for gratitude for their life together instead of his inevitable passing.
Leave Nothing Unsaid to Your Children
Listen to this loving father’s insights on the power and impact of affirming what is unique and special in each of his children and his daughter’s perspective on receiving that affirmation from her dad.
Leave Nothing Unsaid to a Struggling Friend
What do you do when a loved one is on a downhill trajectory? Hear how a wise and loving friend chose to affirm what she cherished most in a letter to someone who was struggling.
Leave Nothing Unsaid Atlanta's NBC / WXIA Series
As the NBC affiliate in Atlanta prepared to air Jaye Watson’s story about Leave Nothing Unsaid, the news anchors themselves wrote letters to loved ones and shared parts of their letters during a touching, week-long series.