So much about a wedding is public these days. Social media allows the story of the romance to be shared. Photographers often capture the “private” moment of the proposal. The wedding ceremony takes place in front of family and friends. And wedding photographs and videos provide a lasting and public remembrance of this time of answered prayers and dreams come true.
But there is also a sacredness about the joining of two lives that provides the perfect reason for the bride or groom to write a letter to their betrothed.
Bryan Jordin wrote his fiancé, Amanda, a letter as they joined their lives together. His reasons for writing the letter are beautiful:
“I knew that I wanted to write her a letter to be a genuine gift from me that would be just ours, something shared only between the two of us.
While our wedding vows would be a public declaration before God of our love and commitment, I wanted to write a letter that would fill in the gaps and be more intimate. I wanted her to have a letter that she could turn to when life presented challenges, as it surely will, that will remind her what she means to me in life and what in turn I will be for her.”
Like many others, Bryan was scared at the thought of writing a letter that would meet such lofty goals. “I remember worrying how on earth could I write a letter that would be sufficient? How could I keep it succinct but not at the risk of it being genuine and complete?”
As Providence would have it, Bryan was well acquainted with the message of Leave Nothing Unsaid, having led the development and management of my website. And he was excited when he realized that he could use the Leave Nothing Unsaidworkbook as a framework for a letter to his bride.
“I realized affirming qualities I found in her as well as the qualities of our relationship would be perfect for what I was trying to say. On top of that, I could share my hopes and dreams for our future. Eureka! I had a model for what I wanted to say without it telling me what to say. Having the workbook as a framework allowed me to work on it in sections. It allowed me to read a section and then think about it critically for a few hours or days before writing.”
“Writing my letter to Amanda had a profound impact on me. Seeing my feelings in words moved me in ways I couldn’t imagine. I think that letter did as much for me as it did for her.”
What an absolutely beautiful gift for a bride to receive from her beloved. It’s a priceless and loving gift.
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, this is a perfect time to affirm your beloved in writing…whether you are about to marry or have been married for many years.
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