Tomorrow is Valentine’s Day. For some, it’s a day full of roses and romance.
For others, it’s a painful reminder of unfulfilled hopes and dreams.
But at its core, Valentine’s Day is about love: something all of us need.
And that’s where the connection between Valentine’s Day and pickles comes in.
Have you ever heard the old adage:
“When you’re inside the jar, you can’t read the label?”
Just like pickles, this wisdom applies to each of us.
So often, we cannot see the wonderful aspects of our character and personality that are so obvious to others. We might be well versed in what’s wrong with us, but not so much about what’s right with us.
Being inside your own skin doesn’t give you a full perspective on how you impact others in your family, your workplace, your church, or your community.
So this Valentine’s Day, why not take the “Pickle Challenge?”
Think of 5 or 10 people in your world. And tomorrow, on Valentine’s Day, tell each of those people one thing that you cherish or value about them. Focus on their character, on something special and unique about them.
Look below the surface. Don’t just pick something you appreciate that they do for you. (i.e. “Thanks for making me wonderful meals.”) Highlight something about the person’s essence. (i.e. “You are incredibly generous.”)
And then tell them. You can do it in a text message, a phone call, or by looking someone in the eye and telling them face-to-face.
But please, please tell them.
Yes, it might feel a little awkward. Giving another person sincere affirmation does feel awkward at first. But once you see the impact, you’ll be amazed. People stand up straighter. Smiles brighten. Eyes twinkle. People feel sincerely valued.
Give it a try. Take the “Pickle Challenge.”
It’s a simple way to share love on Valentine’s Day (and every day.)
And it might just be the sweetest Valentine a person receives tomorrow.
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