Another Leave Nothing Unsaid Workshop was drawing to a close. And, once again, my heart was overflowing with joy. The evening’s event had been hosted by a leading Atlanta financial advisor. The guests had enjoyed a lovely dinner and were now putting the finishing touches on affirming letters to loved ones. Through the Leave Nothing Unsaid process, they’d learned an easy-to-repeat approach to writing words that would matter forever.
The positive energy in the room was palpable.
Through the partition in the well-appointed business club, enthusiastic applause could be heard from another group.
One of our participants, a retired medical doctor, spoke up.“That’s what we’re all doing in our hearts right now!”
I smiled and waited, not wanting to make presumptions about what he was trying to express.
With tears in his eyes, he continued:“I can’t believe Merrill Lynch did this for us.”
Was this an anomaly? An unexpected response from a sentimental soul?
Not at all! I’ve come to realize the amazing sense of joy that most letter writers experience after finally being able to unlock their hearts to someone they dearly love. The same sentiments are expressed time and again by the letter writers, whether someone who is healthy or in the final stages of hospice care.
So if you’re secretly wondering “WIFM” (What’s in it for me?) when you think about writing a special letter, please read on.
Here are a few of the benefits:
“WIFM”, you ask? More than you can ever imagine!
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