Do you ever feel worn out…over the hill…or just plain beaten up?
Have you ever been told that you’re too old to be competitive?
Do people in skinny jeans treat you as though you are irrelevant or invisible?
In our youth-obsessed culture, it’s easy to feel as though our value deceases as we age.
Perhaps, in the eyes of the world, that’s true.
But as children of God, we are cherished and valued no matter what our age or condition.
Think about the beauty of the patina of silver.
When silver flatware comes from the factory, it is shiny and bright.
But after only minimal use, fine surface scratches appear.
Over time, these fine scratches will blend together to form a soft, warm finish.
A patina develops. If you look very closely, you can still see all of the little scratches. But there is a beauty and richness to the patina that far surpasses that of the unused silver.
Our life experiences, our failures and our successes, our heartbreaks and our joys, can do the same for us.
Yes, as “stuff” happens, we might feel as though we’ve lost our luster. We can focus on the hurts, the dings, the disappointments.
Or we can embrace our life experiences and ask God to use all of it for our good and for His glory.
We, too, can have that patina of beauty.
That’s what I want. How about you?
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