What’s upset you in the last few days? The annoyance of “snow days” when there has been no snow? Rush hour traffic? A friend who hasn’t followed through on a commitment?
Each of our lives is full of annoyances and irritations. It’s part of this broken world.
But for people on some parts of our planet, a “bad day” is defined very differently.
It’s defined as a life in slavery.
27 million people live in some form of slavery.
27 million.
In 2015.
Please don’t bury your head in the sand and say “I didn’t know.”
Ignorance isn’t an excuse.
Today is “Shine a Light on Slavery Day.” You might see a lot of people wearing a big red X on their hand. It’s a simple way of starting conversations and making people aware of this horrible problem.
To learn more about the reality of slavery, go to www.EndItMovement.com.
Then please, do something.
Get educated about the issue.
Speak out.
Give some money to one of the worthy organizations directly involved in fighting slavery.
My personal favorite is the International Justice Mission. (IJM) Here’s a link to their website:
Make a difference in some small way.
What if you were the one trapped in slavery with no voice to cry for help?
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