At times recently, I’ve felt as though I was sitting in the bleachers, watching my life unfold. And I’ve been somewhat slack-jawed at the ways God is answering prayers. The truth that He can do “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Ephesians 3:20) continues to be demonstrated in my life. I hope that God’s faithfulness in my life will encourage you to step out in faith and to pray big prayers for your own life.
This week’s “wow, God” experience has been the release of the wonderful new book by Jeff Goins called The Art of Work. The purpose of the book is to help you find your calling in life…to discover what you were born to do. Student and senior alike will benefit from the wisdom packed in these pages.
It’s somewhat surreal to me (strike that…VERY surreal) that Chapter 1: “Listening to Your Life” begins with the story of my calling with Leave Nothing Unsaid.
One of my mantras is that “God wastes nothing.” Time and time again, I have seen how every life experience is now woven into the fabric of who I am and what I am called to do. And that even the most painful memories and experiences can be redeemed and used for good.
Several weeks ago, I shared with you the story of my legendary friend, Casey. At 11, Casey was under pediatric hospice care after a six year battle with spinal cancer. I was privileged to meet Casey and to help her write letters to those closest to her. Two nights ago, Casey passed from this life to Heaven. And once again, I was overwhelmed with thankfulness that I was able to use my simple gifts to make a difference in others’ lives.
I find similar joy in knowing that I have helped a parent write an affirming letter to their child that will help them blossom. Or that someone has “eulogized the living,” and expressed to an elderly parent or mentor the impact that their life has made.
What about you? Are you living a life that matters? Do you have a deep sense of satisfaction that you are doing exactly what God created you to do? Few can answer “yes” to those questions.
If you feel as though you’ve settled for the status quo, I hope you’ll read Jeff’s book.
As best-selling author Seth Godin says: “This is one of the most honest, direct and generous books about you and your life that you will read this year. It took guts to write, and it will take guts to read. Leap.”
You’ve only got one life. Please make it count.
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