Do you ever struggle with self-worth? If you’re human, the answer is probably yes.
Granted, for some, it’s an ongoing, seismic struggle. For others, it might be a much more occasional flickering of insecurity.
Self-worth can be affected by so many things: relationships, finances, career, appearance, health. We so easily gain a false sense of worth from our accomplishments and lose it just as quickly with setbacks or failures.
Talk about climbing the ladder of success and realizing that it’s propped up against the wrong wall!
I’m as guilty as anyone of that misplaced ladder. But it’s why the annual celebration of Christmas provides such a wonderful opportunity to regain a healthy perspective.
There is one reason for a having an unshakable sense of self-worth, and it’s not what Oprah would tell you. The nugget of truth, the reason for real and lasting self-worth, is shared in the beautiful Christmas song, O Holy Night:
Why should Jesus’ coming 2,000 years ago give you a sense of worth in 2016?
Because of the “why” behind His birth.
The reason for the season.
Because of God’s incredible love for us, He sent Jesus to earth. To be born.
But ultimately, to die.
Jesus willingly suffered and died for each of us, because of love. He paid the price for our mistakes and for all the times we missed the mark, because we are worth so much to Him.
Talk about love. Talk about showing how much we are valued. Talk about worth.
He gave each of us the ultimate gift. He gave Himself.
Because we were and are worth it.
As you make your last minute preparations for Christmas, I hope you will take a few minutes and reflect on this truth:
Christmas means “YOU have worth.”
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